Weekly Summaries

Weekly Summary (3/26–4/2/21)

This week’s posts:
– Daily Creates of Week Ten
– How-To Video: Setting Up A Subdomain
– Every Hour Vlog: Wednesday, March 31
– A Conversation With Myself

Week Ten (3/26–4/2/21)

Links to this week’s posts:

Daily Creates of Week Ten

How-To Video: Setting Up A Subdomain

Every Hour Vlog: Wednesday, March 31

A Conversation With Myself

Week 10 was all about video. This was something I had been looking forward to all semester, and I’m excited about next week, which is more video!

As I discussed in my project ideas post last week, I was keen on doing an “Every Hour Vlog”. I decided to make that an official assignment in the ds106 assignment bank, and I filmed clips all day Wednesday.

I’ve been using Adobe Premiere Pro to edit my videos so far (except for my subdomain tutorial), and it’s forced me to learn more video editing skills, which is great. I’ve used iMovie for multiple projects before, so I’m pretty familiar with it, and I decided that it was time for me to graduate to more complex video editing software. I leapt into it eagerly—I scheduled an appointment with a fellow DKC consultant, looked up tutorial videos on YouTube, and, most importantly, played around a lot with different features.

I’m still learning it for sure, but I’m enamored with it, and I’m slowly starting to become more comfortable with all of the controls. I really want to do more than basic editing (trimming video clips, adding text, etc.); I want to add in things that look smooth, professional, and cool. So, this coming week, I’m hoping to watch some more videos and start developing my own style with advanced video editing. 🙂

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